Ofrece un Poco, Obtenga Mucho.
Patrocine un proyecto de Project:HOMES.
Rampa de Acceso
Por $ 1,800, un niño, adulto o persona mayor con discapacidades tendrá mayor seguridad e independencia.
Paneles Solares
Por $ 16,000 , se pueden agregar paneles solares a una nueva casa economica y eliminar las cuentas de energía.
Barra de Apoyo
Por $ 25 , una ducha se hace más accesible para una persona mayor o discapacitada.
Donate Now
Your support fuels our efforts. Join us in our mission of improving lives by improving homes by donating today!
Ready to make a difference? Choose how you'd like to donate by clicking one of the options below. Thank you for your contributions!
You can now contribute to our cause through PayPal Giving Fund and Give at Checkout! It's a simple and secure way to make a difference.
To make it even easier, you can set us as one of your favorite charities to be displayed to you at checkout. Search for project:HOMES on PayPal and "heart" us!
NAP Tax Credits
project:HOMES has been approved as a Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP) tax credit participant for the program year from July 1, 2024, to June 30, 2025.
We currently have credits available. If you're interested in learning more about NAP tax credits, please contact Nicole Storm at nicole.storm@projecthomes.org.
Códigos de Campaña de Donación